Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In JENeral: For Your Information

In JENeral: For Your Information: "I don't want to be a victim of your inattention; I seek regard, not your preoccupation. I don't want to be your idea of perfection; I, too,..."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

In the past four months I've moved to Glasgow to continue my educational journey. I am working toward my MLitt in Dramaturgy and Playwriting. For those of you who do not know what Dramaturgy is, don't worry, I'm not entirely sure either!

I am not good at keeping blogs, diaries, journals, etc although I always begin with the best intentions. Anyway, I just finished my first semester and am starting on my second semester of school. I really enjoy it here and the educational system is on a different level than that of the United States (I feel.) Anyway...I thought I might catch myself up here...perhaps post my latest play. I wrote a 20 minute play for my playwriting final which was a task in and of itself. 20 minutes is a difficult length to write because one has to think of the subject matter one can fit with in the context of 20 minutes. I made lots and lots of revisions and my final outcome was nothing of what I had originally intended.

I am proud of myself.