Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mom Appreciation

Happy Easter everyone! This is my very first blog post and while I should be downstairs helping my mom bake all the delicious Easter goodies, I'm here talking to you. Mom's don't get enough credit; especially when you're young. I'll be the first to admit that I rolled my eyes when my mom asked me to do something or got agitated when she said something to me I didn't like. This morning she starts baking and almost immediately moans that the kitchen isn't clean, there is no room to bake and blah blah blah blah blah. In my head I said to myself, "that's mom being mom again. Always complaining." Just then I remembered this story that my Aunt Rosie told me about how she felt so underappreciated. She cried out to her children and husband and no one came calling. The only thing she heard was: "There she goes again."

Sometimes it takes a person losing something to truly appreciate its value. My grandmother was very valuable to us and even though we appreciated her more, once she passed away, it was a little and a lot that we needed her for. What is it about older generations that made them keep everyting locked in a safe in their brain. Grandma, you took the recipes with you. The good ones actually. Those are the ones that you can't recreate on your own because everytime she'd make something, she'd add something here and something else there.

And so now, while my mom is kvetching and I'm thinking, "Geez! You know this happens so why bother complaining?" I think back to my Aunt Rose and how all that complaining really meant something. So I got off my ass and went into the kitchen and cleaned it up for her. AND GUESS WHAT?! MOM STOPPED KVETCHING!

Moral of my story, "Moms are like cars. I ignored the engine crying out OIL OIL CHANGE MY OIL!!! Once I finally took it in, I realized I almost killed it because I wasn't listening. Mom: I will learn to listen to you and oil you when you get dried out." ...or something like that.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! First comment and first follower *feels cool*

    Fun post. Moms are underappreciated. Seriously.

    Can't wait to read more. Now you come find me and my sister :)
