Monday, May 3, 2010

Writing Naked

"Oh Shit! I'm sitting here in my room without my shirt on and the door is WIDE OPEN," she screams in her head as she realizes that she is exposed to the world.

I often have times when writing where the inspiration does not flow freely like the water of the Niagara River so to give myself a boost, I bought The Writer's Block. When you're in a writing slump, flip to a random page in the writer's block and it will give you something such as a spark word, scenario or story about a famous writer that will help you get your creative juices flowing again. What a love most about it is not the content inside (which is very good if you're wondering) but the fact that it IS actually shaped like a block. A little block that can get you out of a bind. BBB (Big Block Bind...or something.)

I flip open the block and the page says, "Write Naked." SURE! I say. It's hot as blazes in my room and I need any excuse to hang out in the nude in my room. So here I am sitting here naked and I realize: THE DOOR IS WIDE OPEN!!!! Damn! It's a good thing it's after midnight and everyone's asleep.

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